Awards, I suck at this

I have some catching up to do; I suck at this I think I might always suck at this. It isn’t that I am humble; I am just somewhat lazy I suspect. Some very kind and wonderful people have given me and my blog a nod, awarding my blog awards. This really is kind and I feel honored by their recognition, really I do; it is always nice when fellow bloggers recognize your work, not at least accepting their recognition is somewhat like giving the finger to the Academy Awards Show when you win Best anything.

Without further ado, let’s get right to it, shall we?

From Sapna at Just Another Wake Up Call, I was given the Sunshine Award. This was truly nice because compared to her frequently uplifting, insightful and truly loving entries I can be a bit of a downer. I encourage everyone to visit Sapna, I certainly do whenever I see she has posted again.

Sunshine Award –

  • Love or Money

Why not both? Really I don’t believe love can withstand poverty any more than money can buy real love. Nevertheless, why do I have to choose? I want both, I want love and to work with that person I love to obtain a life together that is without abject poverty.

  • High Salary or Job Satisfaction

When we are young I think we should go for the most money we can make learning all the things we can learn. Unless we are lucky enough to land in the career we love the first time out, we should move about, skip jobs as often as possible, find mentors and continue to search for what we love. Go for it! Earn as much as possible. Fight for every dime you can make. The truth is you only have about thirty years of true productivity. Once you hit your fifties your earnings will start to diminish in most career paths, then you can follow your passions.

  • Favorite Book

The next award will delve into my favorite books so I am skipping this one for now.

  • Television Character you adore

I don’t actually have one of these. Can I say Rachel Maddow? Not really a character, but she is funny and smart.

  • Favorite music

70’s Rock –n- Roll, R & B, Soul, Blues and Lyle Lovett

  • Favorite type of movie

I don’t have a favorite type. I watch all types depending on my mood at the time I sit down. I could give you a few of my favorite all time movies, which might give you an idea of how truly, eclectic I am:

Streets of Fire The Commitments
Pretty Baby Million Dollar Baby
Little Shop of Horrors Heartbreak Ridge
American Werewolf In London Underworld
Dracula (with Frank Langella) Bram Stokers Dracula

Now that I have shown my mostly juvenile taste in movies, no class I know. Shall we move on?


My friend at Fifty-Four and a Half often speaks her mind and my own. She does so with a great deal of wisdom and far more diplomacy than I am ever able to muster. I have enormous, gargantuan, gigantic respect for her. She is also kind, funny and compassionate. I am gratified that she offered me this –

Please visit my friend at:

What do I have to do? Only tell you about five books I love. I could I suppose tell you about five books I love right now, that would perhaps make you rush to the store and buy them. Instead I am going to tell you about five books I simply love and why.

In no particular order:

Swan Song – a dark look at human nature at the apocalypse, the ultimate fight of good vs. evil. I think I have read this book at least five times. The author has a way with characters and words, with emotional balance. I have read most of his work, much of it is dark; Swan Song remains my favorite. If you read and enjoyed The Stand, this is graduate studies.

The Rights of Man – I read this first when I was 14 as a classroom assignment. My Social Studies teacher assigned it to his ‘advanced’ students; I suspect to make us shut the hell up. Since that time I have revisited Thomas Paine time and again, quoted him more than once. His views, while not always aligned with my own because of the two hundred years that separate us, are fascinating but especially in this book must be taken in context with the purpose of the book, a direct rebuke of Edmund Burke in “Reflections on the Revolution in France”.

Half The Sky – what can I say about this book? This is a modern day censure of all of us and any of us. We are so damned concerned about our small lives sometimes we conveniently forget the greater world that fails to thrive. Half the Sky reminds us that modern day slavery still exists; women especially are vulnerable, living without protection, living brutal lives. It is written in a way not to titillate but instead simply introduces us to another side of life and to some of life stories of women who escaped forced prostitution to make new lives, women who were willing to tell their stories so we could become more aware. This is an amazing book, an amazing outreach. I had to read it slowly, now I am searching for ways to help.

The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings – my father first gave me the Hobbit for Christmas when I was 12-years old. I curled into myself and read it straight through on rainy days and nights in Seattle. I begged for the remainder of the books after that and read them over the remainder of the year, one after the other. I have read this series more times than I can count between then and now, each time taking something different away from the stories. I have always believed the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings was the most finely crafted allegory ever written.

The Handmaids Tale – I struggled with picking the last one on my list, there are so many I love. Ultimately I had to pick the one I just recently went back to, this book grabbed me off my bookshelf shook me like a wet dog and said “READ ME AGAIN, Dammit!” Margaret Atwood has the ability, with words to paint pictures of and for women, to make us consider options that we should not wish for and futures that are bleak in worlds not meant for freedoms or joy. This one is timely and frightening.

Now I am supposed to only tell you about five books, but I just have to give a shout out to one of my favorite giggle books:



Finally, my friend at Why am I here in a handbasket nominated me for this one:

Her quick takes are funny and to the point. I love making stops at her blogs for outtakes on life; they are never off target even if sometimes uncomfortable. She often makes me laugh out loud in the middle of taking a drink of coffee. I encourage you to stop by.

That being said, here are seven (7) things about me:

  1. I have fourteen tattoos, no they don’t hurt but I surely felt the pain getting them
  2. I have five (5) full blood siblings, 3 known ½ siblings, 7 step-siblings, 1 adopted sibling
  3. I have been married more than two times, no I won’t tell you how many more than two
  4. I will be 55 years old this month
  5. I own 100 pairs of high heels
  6. I was born with three nipples, had I been born 200 years earlier they would have burned me at the stake as a witch
  7. I have had more than 30 surgeries

That is it. I am also supposed to pick bloggers I love, or bloggers who deserve awards. However, my notion is everyone I follow and read deserve them. If you haven’t got one of these, grab one and follow the rules!Or grab this one, the only rule on this one is link back to me and tell me and everyone else the one thing you would like to do to make the world better.


  1. AirportsMadeSimple says:

    Congrats on all the awards!

  2. wonderful post as always and you deserve every award : ) keep shining : )

  3. congratulations ! even your award post makes interesting read! thanks for the list of books. Some I’ve read and liked, the others have gone on my ever growing list of books to read (once the kids grow up and leave the nest! Oh! I long for that sometimes 😉
    I love the idea of sharing the award with everyone! Quite right 🙂 And I also like your take on love and money! Why not both?
    Wish you both, Val and health and happiness and lots of recognition and awards for your work! (you sure deserve them ) 🙂

    • I am curious, which have you read??

      Don’t wish for the babies to grow up, just enjoy and find brief moments for you. I always did. When my sons were old enough we read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings together.

      • Half the sky and Hobbit! My daughter has turned seven and we just finished reading ‘Heidi’. Now we are reading ‘Black beauty’ and ‘Little women’ is waiting at the bedside. I love reading with the kids. Rediscovering my childhood books with them!

  4. Val this is quite a list of awards. Congratulations and well done. I need to re-read my Tom Paine, though. Thank you for the reminder. And thank you for the others. And for your kind words, my friend.

    • I speak only the unvarnished truth. Love Thomas Paine, though he can be a bit of a snot, especially in this one. I think you would truly love Half the Sky and if you haven’t read Handmaiden Tale, well all I can say is rush out and grab it now!

      • We folks who speak truth to the world are often considered snots, are we not? :). I will check out your other recommendations, Val. That’s why I nominated you. Of course I have read the Tolkien books many times!

  5. Congratulations Valentine on the much deserved awards!

    • Thanks Christy! I really really suck at following them up which always makes me feel terrible. It is why I always invite people to take one, if they don’t already have one and then hope they will take the Wings, that way they only have to do one thing, tell me something they want to do good in the world.

      Take one!!

  6. I really need to do an awards show. *sigh* Oh, the digging.

    Congrats! You really do deserve these.


  7. 100 pairs of high heels and 30 surgeries?! I’m not sure which one surprises me more. But anyone who’s had to endure 30 surgeries definitely deserves 100 pairs of high heels. And then some!

  8. Ahhhh, I LOVED THIS ❤

    1. adore Margaret Atwood
    2. 14 tattoos!? WOW FABulous.
    3. my dad has 3 nipples, too!
    4. have you read all of Atwood's books?
    5. Congrats on your award.


    • I have read most of Atwood’s books, not all yet. Working through them.

      14, want another but Dearly Beloved doesn’t love them so we negotiate.

      My mother had the third one burned off when I was young. She didn’t like it.

      (Loved your last post)



  1. […] My darling sister, Val, gifted me with another pair of Eternal Wings: […]