Never Enough


Your words transport me

New worlds open and I step out

Reaching for you to lead me

I am afraid even as you pull me in

Insatiable for new experience

Willingly I strip my defenses

Standing before you naked

Your words wash over me like silk

Catching on my rough edges

Ravenous for your touch

Gently your fingers trace my shape

Following curves I had forgotten

Raising hope I am enough

Soothing fears as light explodes

 Voracious in my demands

Catch me as I fall

Knees weak and heart faltering

Your smile is predatory

You lift me up with words

Insatiable for more

Never enough

Valentine, 30-July-2014

Out of Dreams Nightmares

OpEdMany things are weighing on my mind, it is nearly impossible to turn on the television, open a newspaper or even look at social media without being bombarded by the most recent human tragedy. The problem I have is the magnitude of those tragedies; our response, as a nation and frankly as human beings saddens me. I am not a Christian, I do though subscribe to some basic tenets of the Christian system, this is my favorite:

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life”.

Matthew 25:31-46 parables of the Sheep and the Goats


I find myself in a quandary as I consider our current national and international crises and the response of our citizens to them. We are a nation full of individuals who presume to call themselves Christian, who gather together and stand on their Bibles demanding their Rights and Privileges using their Christianity as a justification for what I consider mean, ugly and nasty behavior toward those in need. It seems we are a nation that has forgotten the basics of compassion, empathy and humanity toward our fellow man, while standing on a shaky platform of Christianity.

“The land flourished because it was fed from so many sources–because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples.” 

Lyndon B. Johnson

I have been less than impressed by our response to the refugee problem at our borders, make no mistake this is nothing other than a refugee problem. Women and children, in some cases children alone, fleeing violence begging for safe haven, only to be met by screaming xenophobes telling them to turn around, die, starve no matter just go home. We helped create the problems in Central America, our money, our bankers and money laundering and our ‘War on Drugs’, we did this1. This nation helped create the cesspools these children are escaping from, where their lives are in danger, where they live in poverty so terrible none of us could possibly imagine even in our worst nightmare. We did this and some of us have the audacity to stand before buses and on borders, demanding they be turned away. We did this, yet governors of Border States find nothing wrong with patrolling with guns drawn and calling out the National Guard to shoot them as they come toward us, hands out begging for shelter and aid.

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Our President has found himself between a rock and a very hard place. Following a law signed by his predecessor, he is vilified by those who believe he is opening the borders to ‘thugs, criminals and disease ridden children’. With Congress taking Comprehensive Immigration Reform off the table for this year, everyone has something to say, it makes me wonder when some of these cretins will simply fade into the woodwork and shut the hell up. Everyone has an opinion, not a single one of them, from Hannity to West shows a bit of compassion, their snark and ugly shows only a partisan standard line of attack on the President, on those fleeing the violence and poverty we helped to create. Everyone who speaks up, attacking those in need and the President claims Christianity as their Rock, their guiding light yet fails to remember CHARITY, COMPASSION and LOVE for their fellow man as the foundation of that faith.

I have been anything but impressed; truthfully, I have been stunned by the actions of the city of Detroit’s Water Department. The city is in bankruptcy seeking any all means to pull themselves out of dire financial straits. The 04_Womenproblem with this solution is, water is both a fundamental human requirement of life and according to the United Nations a Human Right2, apparently the city manager and the head of the Water Department in Detroit didn’t get that memo. It has been suggested by some, famous and otherwise, those who do not pay their water bills can simply ‘tote’ their water from the lakes and rivers nearby. Others have suggested those private citizens who are not paying their water bills are doing so while they choose to pay other less necessary household expenses, such as cable and medicine. While the city cuts services to thousands of private residences they are remise in cutting services to businesses that owe hundreds of thousands, even the State that at last look owed $5M.3

To my mind, Detroit is a test ground for what the rest of the nation can and will become if we don’t stop this attack on basic human rights and humane treatment of our fellow man, now. This is an attack on at least two levels; one is the basic human level where those who have will continue to have (see Peter Brabeck-Letmathe4 and his assessment of what is a human right about access to water), the other is a continuation on the attack on women in particular. Wonder how this is an attack on women? How will women, in particular, be affected by a crisis of this nature, look at the world and ask yourself this question who will tote that water, who will be left to care for sick children affected by unsanitary conditions? Take women out of the workforce, cripple them economically and shove them backwards educationally, as a nation we are broken, we become the dreamscape of the nutjobs on the Far Right, a land of hopelessness for millions starting with women and extending to everyone else not of their liking.5


For those who think racism and sexism are things of the past, think again. These are simply two stark reminders we are living in a nightmare reality only brought to a screaming head in 2008 by the election of Barack Obama. Every single xenophobic fear was outed when he shot to the office of President seemingly out of nowhere and fulfilled the hopes of those of us who believed he could begin to undo what eight years of the Bush / Cheney nightmare had done to this nation. His election flung wide the closet doors of all those who previously had agreed to keep their bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia and simple lack of core morality under the covers in favor of social acceptance. Of course, since the days of Ronald Reagan the Right had been working toward this moment, when White Sheets in the form of a well-tailored suit would find acceptance on the national stage and even a man or woman of color would join in the decimation of our nation, our civil rights and our laws.

Congress does nothing day by day but spends our money on conspiracy theories, threats of impeachment and lawsuits against the President; we sit back and shake our heads but do nothing. The Senate shuts down the government, deadlocks over things both vital and trivial; we sit back and do nothing. SCOTUS is bought and paid for, stripping us of our rights one by one; we do nothing but bitch and whine.

How do we change this trajectory of the United States becoming a feudalistic state? We stand up, get up off our apathetic asses and demand change. We engage locally, we stop whining and we start doing something, including Voting. We write letters. We go to City Council meetings. We hook up with local organizations and throw our name out there to volunteer.

Dammit we engage and we VOTE.

I leave you with this, I think it is appropriate for today.





5 Statistics:

5 Sanitation facts:

5 Hygiene facts:

5 Water facts:



I slumbered in deep wells near the sea, lulled by the steady crash of waves;

Surrounded by darkness and silence;

Sometimes the tides pulled me to life, towards the surface;

Sunlight sparkling off shale and polished sand;

The moon overhead covered me in silver, the nights chill deepened my slumbering heart;

The glitter of stars against a night sky sent me back into my well;

I wrapped my mantle across my shoulders and against the chill;

My victorious, imprinted on skin the monsters chained outside;

My warrior princess fierce in her guardianship of my heart.

Then you reached down and whispered, remember Cara;

Love awaits, roll away the stones piled high and remember;

I said no, sputtered, then silent then yes.

How did you do that to my shattered self with just remember.

Then you said laugh, I adore you and I believed never questioning.

You asked, will you know and I said no and then I hope and then yes.

Then you said, I am broken and I said so am I, together we are whole;

In my long slumbering heart I dreamed of you forever;

Then you reached down and said;

Remember Cara and I did.

Duty, Privilege or Right

OpEdThe other day I was speaking to a young woman I have been friends with and a professional mentor to for several years, during the course of that conversation she revealed she doesn’t vote. I was and remain stunned by her revelation; especially given her reasoning, which was, she did not trust our voting system or believe her vote counted. I believe I got a bit heated with her, Michelle Bachmann and her idiocy was invoked more than once during the remainder of our conversation as my friend is from Minnesota. I explained to her, the reason idiots like Michelle were elected because seemingly smart people like her stayed home with ignorant excuses like, “I don’t believe my vote counts”.

Heated might be the wrong word, I was passionate and inflamed. Men and women died for our right to vote. For any one of us to stay away from the polls, whether during a federal election or a local Milhousdrawingelection simply shows both our ignorance and our apathy. For any citizen to fail to get up off their ass during an election and spend the time it takes to exercise their duty as a citizen, yes I said it, their duty as a citizen and vote is why we have the dysfunctional government we have today. I say it constantly as do many others, when good people fail to vote bad people win elections; when Democrats / Liberals / Progressives fail to vote Republicans / Tea Party / Conservatives win elections.

The problem we have right now, in this nation today in Congress and in many States since 2010 is we believed what the media told us, we believed we had already lost the House, the Governor Mansions and we failed to carry our asses to the polls and vote. Because we were so damned apathetic, we lost the House, we damned near lost the Senate, we lost many states and we handed this President a Congress he could not work with, a Congress that would not work with him. We, the people of this nation, the so-called Progressives of this nation did this and we deserve what we got for sitting it out.

We, the Progressive / Liberal / Democrats of the United States of America voted twice to put Barack Obama into the office of President and then we hampered his presidency with this Congress. We are perfectly willing to whine about them, we are willing to sign petitions on the internet, we are willing to send Meme’s around Facebook and on our blogs, what we aren’t willing to do is exercise our right, our duty to vote when the time comes to do so.

We, all of us, every single last one of us must stop handing over our rights as citizens, turning away from brutality and ignorance and begin taking back our nation from those who would strip us of our rights simply because we are too apathetic to stand up and stand against them. We must never forget those who came before us and fought, even died to gain the right to vote, the right to have a voice for us. We must, especially those of us who were left out of the original Bill of Rights and Constitution, we must stand up, stand in line and do what it takes to VOTE every single time and in every single election. We must not spit on those who fought for our right to do so; we must not turn our backs on history forgetting what it required of those who laid down their lives, their bodies, their social standing to gain us all the right to VOTE.

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We must not allow our rights to be stripped away, our history to be rewritten simply because we are too lazy to do our own research into how our government and voting really works. What voter fraud really is and thus we willingly believe our vote doesn’t count, staying home along with millions of others making millions of votes not count, millions of voices go unheard. The goal of those who would fix the outcome is achieved when good people stay home and don’t vote. Every single election cycle sees us losing ground to big money and nefarious agenda’s when we believe the hype, when we believe the race already won, when we believe our vote doesn’t count.

Make your voice heard; some of the races won in 2010 and 2012 were won by narrow margins and those uncompromising, unethical and directionless members of Congress are now out to destroy this nation for their own ends and without the least concern for you or me. The same will be said this year, 2014 will either see us taking back the House and winning a majority in the Senate, taking more Mansions in the states or we will sit it out because we will believe the hype and sit it out. I refuse to sit it out, I will vote.

One thing to consider, I hear this all the time and it simply yanks my chain even harder than I thought possible is when someone says the following:

It doesn’t matter, it is only choosing between the lesser of two evils.

No, dammit, no it is not and even were this the case isn’t it better to choose than to allow others to choose the worst evil for you, allowing you the opportunity to mitigate the potential for real harm, real evil and the fight for another day. Gad, how much ignorance, hate, bigotry and nastiness are you willing to live with before you say enough? Truly, if you are not willing to fight, with your voice at the polls than you do not have any cause to bitch at the results. You cannot complain when you are discriminated against in the workplace, when you are paid less, or don’t get the job, or lose your healthcare or don’t get a mortgage, or a car loan, or for that matter don’t get an apartment or a mortgage; you simply don’t have the right to complain. I don’t want to hear it when your taxes take your paycheck because your ass didn’t get off the couch to vote. I don’t want to hear it when your child is turned away from a school. I don’t want to hear it, not any of it if your life is harder because your rights and privileges are lost, when you failed to do what you should have done and fought to keep them.

Get your ass off the couch. VOTE

2012 Election Results:

2010 Election Results:

Voting statistics:

Your Azz is Showing

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt is difficult to believe we have fallen so far the lunatics are running the asylum and we sit back and calmly watch, no I misspoke we don’t watch we actively encourage their bad behavior. These miscreants who call themselves ‘public servants’ crawl and slither along the halls of our most hallowed institutions, where we put them and from their mouths come the most ridiculous, ignorant, self-serving trash talk it is all of our misfortune to hear.

We might as well be watching a game of Dozens in Congress on the floor of Congress.

Those who failed in their bid to join their partners in misbehavior continue to pollute the airwaves with their opinions and ill-conceived notions of where the nation should go next. These reprobates might be the worst as they live vicariously on their past glory days of the campaign trail where idiots worshiped at their podiums and wore buttons with their likeness.

Finally, we have the traffic police, those talking heads who never seem to be without an ugly thought they cannot keep to themselves. Those fools who claim Patriotism and Christianity, bundled up to create their superior positions of moral character (not) and grant them authority to spew their trash across the airwaves.

Combine these malefactors, criminals, liars and what we have is a nation divided and ready to implode. This is no more clearly seen than with recent polling results where two-thirds of Republicans think the President should be impeached for exceeding his powers, cretins. Before I go too far out on a limb though, let’s just stop and take a look shall we?

executive orders

So the question becomes, how exactly has this President exceeded his Executive Authority? Is it because unlike past Presidents this President has done things the nation didn’t approve of, things that didn’t support those in need, things that didn’t move the economy forward or follow the law of the land? I cannot think of how this President has broken any laws, decimated our economy, ignored the Constitution or done harm to those who are most in need. Yes, he has been caught unaware by a few snafus, within a very large government; however, to lay the blame for these at the feet of the President is shows ignorance of management and how government hierarchy functions. It proves also, why we should truly be grateful those who do the most running of their mouths are not in positions of authority.

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What should we be considering in all this? Maybe we should take a quick peek at some of what has been taking place lately, some of what some of the cretins have been saying, elected and otherwise.

Shall we start with one of the all-stars of Texas, oh why not Louie Gohmert is nothing if not far too stupid to breathe free air, but there he is a Representative from the great state of TexAss as someone I know and love refers to my home. Louie has been on a roll this month first arguing with a minister on the merits of Hell, “Nobody plus nothing equals everything.” Then moving on to suggesting the influx of children on the Texas border is comparative to the invasion of France during WWII. Yes, Louie is perhaps the stupidest Congressman in the House. Nevertheless, don’t let that stop you for looking for others.

Next up with have that ijit half-term Governor of Alaska, constantly running her mouth, spewing bile and nonsense, yes I am talking about Sarah Palin and yes I called her an ijit. Her most recent diatribe, calling for the impeachment of the President was simply another example of the depths to which these Tea Party puppets will sink to gain the attention their masters and make a dollar.  Just think about it, this foolish woman has a PAC, she is stumping for dollars and others just like her.

Darrell Issa

Darrell Issa

Then we have the tail that wags the dog, my favorite criminal in the house; Darrell Issa. Can anyone please tell me how this man was ever elected, please. Thus far, in his pursuit of bringing the President down he has run up costs of $14,000,000 (yes that is fourteen million dollars) for the IRS scandal witch-hunt. Costs for the Benghazi, has not yet been calculated however with better than 97,000 hours between the Senate, State Department and DoD it is likely to exceed the $14M thus far calculated in costs for the IRS investigation. Both of these by the way, in case you were at all under the illusion there was anything other than a political agenda, have yielded zero, nada, nothing.

Then there is the end run the House and its drunken Speaker are making with this entirely ill-informed Lawsuit. John Boehner knows full well he can’t make a case for Impeachment, he isn’t completely pickled yet, so instead to gin up the base, keep his seat and help those running for re-election (can’t lose another one of his partners in do not a damned thing), he has manufactured the, ‘Let’s sue the President.’ What a completely boner thing to do, guess it fits though. Boehner is suing because the President, to appease Republicans delayed the Employer Mandate and increased the size of the business from 50 to 100 it applied to; this is the backbone of the lawsuit. There is a small and ‘inconsequential’ issue call standing, these ijits in Congress may or may not be able to get around depending on the mood of SCOTUS. Knowing those blowhard political hacks though, they may well throw out their own ruling in United States vs. Windsor. This should be a good one.

Finally yet importantly, want a real cover up? These slithering snakes within Congress and their 148 ‘Jobs’ Bills they have passed and sent to the Senate for action, well it took a bit of digging but I found them. I read the entire list, I wanted to know what they were, wanted to know what this Congress had been up to besides not a damned thing and trying to repeal the ACA. I assure you, this list will rattle your brains and hopefully make you want to shake your local GOP member till their teeth fall out.


Just to give you some help, here are a few of the prime examples of what the GOP consider “Jobs” Bills.

  • 3. H.R.45 : To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.
  • 12. H.R.273 : To eliminate the 2013 statutory pay adjustment for Federal employees.
  • 21. H.R.367 : Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2013
  • 32. H.R.668 : To amend section 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code, to require that annual budget submissions of the President to Congress provide an estimate of the cost per taxpayer of the deficit, and for other purposes.
  • 38. H.R.742 : Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013
  • 50. H.R.890 : Preserving the Welfare Work Requirement and TANF Extension Act of 2013
  • 62. H.R.1120 : Preventing Greater Uncertainty in Labor-Management Relations Act
  • 84. H.R.1797 : Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
  • 93. H.R.2009 : Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act of 2013
  • 116. H.R.2728 : Protecting States’ Rights to Promote American Energy Security Act
  • 110. H.R.2565 : STOP IRS Act
  • 114. H.R.2655 : Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act of 2013
  • 117. H.R.2754 : Collectible Coin Protection Act
  • 126. H.R.3102 : Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act of 2013
  • 133. H.R.3350 : Keep Your Health Plan Act of 2013

Want to look up a bill and what is inside, go here:

These are just a few of my favorites; you know just a selection from the best and brightest our nation has to offer. I have my own opinion of what is wrong; Nero fiddles while the nation burns.

LBJ said it best when he said the following:



I have only one thing to say, want a different world? Want a different nation? Want a different outcome? You have only one opportunity to change this, to fix what is broken in Washington and across this nation. Come November get up, stand up and march your happy Azzes to the polls. Don’t be fooled, don’t let others tell you what the outcome will be, don’t be apathetic. VOTE.

Another Idiot Texan showing his Azz-Rick Perry

Don’t Stop



Touch me, skin grown cold between times of now and before

Feel me shiver at warmth forgotten, lost to nightmare-scapes

Curled around myself, protective of my chilled memories

Stiffened, breath caught as fingers move between ribs and hips

Hands spread soothing, stroking my fears away into the night

Relaxed into the whispered promises of pleasure

Touch me, skin long cold warms with new memories

Shivers created and stored for new dreamscapes

Unfurling, as fingertips trace a tattoo along indented waist

Gladdened, terrors sent chasing into darkness, fears released

Promised pleasure in fear abandoned and joy found

Touch me again, don’t stop

Valentine, 12-July-14

Served Grown Up, Part Deux

LindaHead_2Well here we are again, things have moved along and I must say some things have moved in directions I would have never thought possible. I am learning a great deal about myself, what I like and what I want from the world, from life and for myself I am truthfully learning every single day. One thing I have learned is there are no timetables, things happen, when they happen and unless you choose to ignore what makes you happy (which would make you an idiot) you just need to jump in with both feet and let the tide take you where it will. Another thing I have learned is there are no set rules or patterns, you might think you know it all, you might believe you know how things are going to come at you and how you are going to work the program, it simply isn’t so, things happen the way they happen.

I learned one other thing, one thing that truly surprised me about myself; I am entirely and completely susceptible to romantic gestures and a well-executed plan of action.

Where is this all leading? On 13-April, I wrote Served Grown Up Please, it was a soliloquy to what I wanted in the next man I would love. I said then I would return to my list, so as a continuation is Served Grown Up, Please II.

I Want A Grown Assed Man

He makes me laugh uproariously at life, him and me too. His jokes are never mean spirited though at times they do cut through all the political correctness we have grown accustomed too and simply says it likes he sees it.

He isn’t afraid to ask for help when he needs it. He is adult enough to recognize we all need help sometimes.

He is truthful about himself, his strengths and his weakness. He doesn’t pretend to be what he isn’t but he doesn’t hide his power either. He is clear about who he is, where he has been and what he has done in life. Takes real pride in his accomplishments, not that chest beating machismo stuff but the quiet pride of a job well done.

He listens and he remembers the important stuff. He cares enough he can hear the timber of my voice, that there are some things I just might not want to talk about today. He listens not just to my words but also to what lies beneath and can ask questions to draw me out when it is important. He knows I carry the burden of a lifetime of keeping secrets, mine and other peoples. He knows I have been hurt, my heart has been broken and encased in ice. He knows and he is strong enough to share his strength with me so I can finally let go.

He is outrageous and demanding. Yes, I said it. He knows what he wants and isn’t at all shy about stating his needs, wants and desires. There is nothing vanilla or passive in the Grown Assed Man of my dreams. His eye doesn’t wander because he values what is in front of him and he makes clear what he needs, involving his partner in all of his world both the here and now and future fantasies. He is not about “Me” in anything he does, but instead fully about “We”, knowing there are two of us in the room at all times and nothing is ever pleasure if both of us are not fully engaged and fully in the moment. He would never think to do harm or cross boundaries, never think to cause fear or discomfort.

He makes plans and executes them. He doesn’t look to others to do his planning, he doesn’t demand others run his life for him, he doesn’t blame the world when he doesn’t get exactly and specifically what he wants. He identifies what he wants, creates a plan of attack and executes that plan. He is unflinching, fearless and patient. His observations about what it takes to win are keen; he has a great eye for detail.

He has no fear of showing his own emotions, whether it is what he feels about me or about the world around him. He knows his emotions do not make him weak, instead, they prove his humanity and his strength.

He understands the power of conversation, whether it is about dreams of the future, the world around us or simply what is important; he knows how to share information. He doesn’t withhold information or dominate but simply participates in conversation fully.

He knows when to stand in front of me, when it is important to be the protector even when I don’t believe I need protection. He wouldn’t think to leave me standing alone and without a safety net, without protection. He knows there are monsters in the world and knows I have met a few of them; he wants to be a protector, without ever diminishing me as a woman or a human being.

Finally, loves me exactly as I am doesn’t want to subtract anything from me, doesn’t resent anything about me except I am late coming to his life, doesn’t condemn me or ridicule me, doesn’t want to change me. He thinks I am sexy, funny and brilliant just exactly as I am from the inside out. He appreciates my peculiarities and oddities, even those I have developed because of my life history.

Let me Repeat Myself … I Want a Grown Assed Man and This is more of what he looks like

You are not a Christian

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI have a bit of a bug, just a small itch I need to scratch. I tell you my dander is raised, my scalp needs to be scratched; all day I have been thinking of our Supreme Court and just how un-Supreme they truly our. I truly do believe it is time for all of us to take a long hard look at who we are as a nation, get up off our proverbial and begin to do something about the nation we want to be rather than simply complain. If we are unwilling to do something, we have absolutely no right to complain about the outcome.


No Corporation is a Christian and I can prove it, here are the core principles of being a Christian or living within the body of Christ.

  1. Professing a belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and following his teachings.
  2. Baptism into the body (church) or religious fellowship (it should be noted this is not required in all Christian sects).
  3. Evangelize and bring others to the body of Christ.
  4. Attend all church assemblies and give (tithe).
    1. Follow Church discipline
    2. Follow the will of God, as defined by the Church
    3. Read the ‘Word’ (Bible) regularly
    4. Pray frequently, confessing your sins to God and / or the Body (Church or its representative)
    5. Live an upright and moral life, giving up all worldly goods and desires to follow the teachings of the “Word”.
  5. Follow proper relations with other people including:
    1. Family
    2. Community, people in need
    3. Civil Government
    4. Church, religious government
    5. Business

There is no Corporation, not a single solitary one that is a Christian or for that matter any other Religion, what we have is human people who have decided the Constitution doesn’t matter unless it is convenient. What we have are five members of the Supreme Court who have decided they will strip any person with a uterus of their right to self-determination in favor of satisfying the political machinations of the Right and the racist intent of those who would do anything to deny this President a legacy.

Hobby Lobby = Hypocrisy

Hobby Lobby does business with China in fact nearly their entire inventory has a ‘Made in China’ sticker on it somewhere. Yes the nation with a low human rights rating for the manner in which people, especially women are treated, this is Hobby Lobby’s primary trade partner. Hobby Lobby somehow holds their nose despite, or maybe it is because of the execrable way in which China treats women, going so far as to encourage selective abortions, eliminating females in the womb.

Hobby Lobby does business with a nation that encourages abortion to the tune of approximately thirteen (13) million per year.

David Green, CEO Hobby Lobby

David Green, CEO Hobby Lobby

Nevertheless, when it came to providing for women’s health, providing birth control to their employees Hobby Lobby and their proselytizing CEO, David Green had something else entirely in mind and that was simply, “No”. Not just No, but Hell to the No. Never mind his 401K invested in Pharma companies that make all the methods and drugs he refuses to cover for his employees, including two that cover surgical abortions, that doesn’t count. Never mind the insurance he provides his employees covers Viagra and Cialis (can’t have a problem getting it up now can we). But damn those women if they should want to preserve their body integrity, their ability to raise the children they have, their health or their future.

Screw them, literally.

The Supreme Court of the United States of America listened to the arguments and decided Hobby Lobby; a corporation is human enough to hold religious beliefs and can impose those beliefs on others. In this case, those beliefs include denial of specific birth control methods including the following:

‘Morning After Pills’, Ella and Plan B, and two intrauterine devices (IUDs)

Last, I checked, I could be wrong mind you, but last I checked the first Amendment of the US Constitution said the following:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Unless I am crazy, I might be, this would mean Hobby Lobby and its hypocritical proselytizing CEO do not get to impose their crazy azzed religious beliefs on others. Mind you, I know I could be wrong, I could be sitting in my own version of Hope Land, resting in my garden of Lavender surrounded by the sounds of birds and water fountains, but as much of an idealist as I am I don’t think I wear blinders. I believe I am reading the Constitution correctly, which means there is something far more nefarious at work.


What could it be that causes a body, in this case the Supreme Court of the United States to act in a manner so contrary to what we know is consistent with the law, common sense and all of this nations principles to now. What could cause case after case since 2009 to shift so far out to the Right, away from what is best for the majority and towards an ever-shrinking minority? What is the single element that has changed and what can we trace that change too?og-ab844a_schob_g_20140630134413

On 20-January-2009 Republican leaders held a secret meeting during which the agreed to sabotage the US economy and the success of President Obama’s administration. Since that time, Congress both House and Senate have done everything and anything within their power to do so. During this same time, SCOTUS has colluded openly and without restraint to provide aid. One only need look at the record of decisions handed down on Voting Rights, Women’s Rights, Workers Rights including the most recent Harris v. Quinn.

The list of goes on, our losses go on and we remain seated in our chairs. We remain apathetic, tired and seemingly powerless.

Three branches of government colluding to destroy one man and his legacy. We sit and watch.

Three branches of government and their minions, the ignorant of our nation whipped into a frenzy because one Black Man dared to dream and dared to cause us to dream with him. Don’t want to hear it, yet I believe it might be true, three branches of government full of old, fearful and mean Caucasian men and women who see their power being lost and trying desperately to hang on determined to destroy the first African American President, his family and his legacy by any and every means necessary.

The rest of us? We are collateral damage.

Want to stop this before it is too late?

VOTE, in November VOTE. Don’t stay home but get out and VOTE. If you stay home we lose.


Impeachment Process, Free Republic

The Plot to Sabotage the Presidents Administration

The ObamaCrat’s Take on SCOTUS Decision all the information is here