Just a Thank You


Others often inspire me in the blogosphere, sometimes by what they say and sometimes by what they don’t say; that is what they leave unsaid after they have unfolded something of beauty or delicacy for us to draw in. My jealousy takes flight, oh I admit it I am envious of many. The green monster creeps up my spine and shakes me, back and forth until my eyes rattle in their sockets and my brain feels loosened. Then my sanity returns and I am simply grateful.

Why you ask and you should.

Some of those I follow have a delicacy of touch that I am forced to simply sit still and inhale slowly. I am regularly dumbfounded by their ability to communicate ideas or thoughts and still preserve dignity, their own or others. In their presence, reading their words I feel as if I write with a sledgehammer and two left thumbs.

I take slow breaths now and then, disappear for days on end to regroup and pull myself back from the edge. When I started this blog, I had intended something entirely different, something light, something carefree that trips across life and settles on lily pads, skips stones across ponds and chases rainbows. I had intended to learn to laugh at life, stick my tongue out at the silliness I find daily; sometimes I succeed at that I think though with a heavier hand than I plan. When I started out I did not intend to expose my secret self, my history or my skeletons; suddenly though they came dancing out, waltzing their way to my keyboard and demanding my attention; they are not done with me and thus I am not done with them.

I inhale and find my muses, heroes, dragon slayers and those that simply bring smiles to my face. Their stories, their poems and most importantly the generosity of their sharing brings me back to myself. Reminds me how gratified I am there are people in this world who share their gifts in such public forums and who have shared them with me.

In the blogosphere, we often send awards to others. We have to do awkward things once we receive these awards. I wanted to do something different, simply identify a few outstanding Blogs that recently have uplifted me, made me smile or stunned with their delicacy of touch. I hope, if you get a minute, you will take the time to read if you aren’t already.


Somkritya, Poetry, Prose and Lambretta

Debbie Adams

Dreamwalker Sanctuary

My Story to You

Monster in your Closet

My all the time, never fail inspiration and muse, sister of my heart:

Momma Money Matters, hosted by Red

I read so many blogs (though lately I have been slow). There isn’t one that I read that I don’t enjoy (I wouldn’t visit, comment and come back otherwise). Recently though I have found myself in a peculiar place in my life and in my blogging and have found inspiration and hope from these wonderful blogs. I wanted to share them with my blogging friends, in case you all find you could use a lift as well.


  1. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    I agre on your vote for Red! 🙂

    Congrats. Thanks is always a pleasure to say.

  2. Such a thoughtful post. And despite what your intentions may have been when you started…..I am quite enjoying your blog.

  3. Androgoth says:

    What a wonderful posting,
    and yes I will take a look at
    some of these Spaces, and
    some I already have within
    my own circle of friends 🙂 🙂

    I do hope that some of my
    scripts do not bring you down
    my friend as I write horror with
    a twist sometimes… Hopefully
    there will be something in my
    Space that will bring smiles 🙂

    Have a good day today VL 🙂

    Androgoth Xx

  4. 24 hours later than when I said I would visit, but here I am, and thought I would back track a little, And oh my Oh My!,,, Valentine, so honoured am I that you have mentioned Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary for a visit.. So Happy that you have found some quiet reflection and inspiration within my blog land.
    When I started out I wanted to inspire and uplift and make a difference how ever small, and my rewards are when people such as yourself visit and tell my how much you enjoy reading the different bits and pieces I add..
    Many thanks, I am so happy you enjoy visiting, just as I am so very happy when you leave a comment.. Many thanks again.. Sue x

  5. It’s always nice to get a new list of blogs to check out. Thanks!

    • It is, I agree. These are some of my favorite “peaceful” haunts. Though I admit to haunting many thus having may favorites. You might take a gander at the Blog Role (leave a link to your own while you are there). Many have left their links, sometimes I add them myself as well. You will find the page to the right.

  6. Please do not sell yourself short! You are an amazing writer.Maybe you need to take a moment to simply….breathe. Your beauty in words makes me choke.

  7. Running from Hell with El says:

    You’re a damn fine writer yourself. And you don’t use sledgehammers (but come to think of it, I rather like the idea of sledgehammers). I am very grateful to be included in your list above. I am good friends with (and a big fan of) Deb Bryan, for example, and more and more, a big fan of you. xoxo

    • You hit me between the eyes and in the heart. I have read backwards on your blog and at times simply sat dumbfounded and out of breath. At times I want to pick up a sword and slay dragons for you and other times simply offer you wings, you deserve them. I will always be grateful to Deb Bryan for sending you to me so I can follow you.

  8. Oh you are such a sweet soul Valentine,thanks for the mention
    tonight was one such night i was surfing my favourite joints for inspiration and i came here for just that..was surprised but we are on the same page
    Thanks Valentine
    Hugs 🙂

  9. AirportsMadeSimple says:

    You know what’s interesting? The picture you have posted at the top of this blog is almost identical to my tattoo. Keep on writing…I agree with your sentiments-I, too, wish I had more time to sit and read everyone’s wonderful writing. There are so many out there! Later!

    • I will tell you a secret, that is one of my tattoo’s. It covers my entire right shoulder and was completed in two sittings (8 hours + 5 hours). My father and step-mother (heart mother) died 10 months apart, my grandson was born in between their passing. The wings are them and the infinity circle is my grandson.

      I am so far behind in reading right now, I am going to spend the weekend catching up on reading and writing.

  10. Val, I think that your writing is among the best on the web. That sledgehammer of your is used only when needed. I hope you find some catharsis in its use. I certainly get some when you do!

    • I think Elyse, I am simply finding some deep holes right now while at the same time I am find some very soothing waters to rest in. Interesting isn’t it?

      There are so many wonderful blogs out there, places I love landing as often as they appear. Places that make me smile and cause me to giggle (yours for instance). But it has only been recently I have found those place where I am finding those places that scratch the knots out of my head, I need that.

  11. There are no sledgehammers in phrases like, “something carefree that trips across life and settles on lily pads”. You’ll look back someday and realize the beauty and power of your writing. You influence as much as you are influenced.

    • Thanks, the sledgehammer I think might be the one I take to myself at times or perhaps the one I take to my observations on society. I hope as I continue to read others I will learn to be not quite so evil in my judgments or hard on myself.

  12. Do you feel somewhat liberated after revealing yourself? And isn’t it so strange to feel, as Blanche from ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ said, “Comfort in the arms of strangers.”

    • I am not sure I feel liberated, Totsymae. I feel like crawling back in my closet some days, yet the release allows wings to spread and something to be let go.

      Wonderful quote, I learn each day from so many of you.

  13. You are an inspiring and beautiful writer. Thanks for sharing these new blogs for me to check out!

  14. You are such a dear-heart, Val! I would want you to be anyone else but yourself, I would want you to type one word that is not of you….because you are a such a beautiful person, brilliant and witty!
    Hugs to you! ♥ xx

    • Ah, thank you Deb. I am though floored at times by others and last night as I was attempting to catch up on reading was one of those times. Waves came over me of gratitude that there were so many out there who lifted me up (even when they didn’t know it).

  15. Thank you, my dearest sister. I would tell you I am touched, but you may well make a joke of it. *giggles*
    Love you muches…coffee in the morning?

    • I would never make a joke of it! Just because your Love button doesn’t work and I can’t comment on your blog … well this was the way to get your attention…..ping pong