FTP 5 Lonely

She lay on her side in the semi-dark room; barely breathing; right leg dangling off the edge of the bed as if she might make a break for it at any moment. The television a dull white noise, as if hummingbirds were endlessly whirling their wings.

Trapped beneath the heavy arm he wrapped around her, she clings to fifteen inches of the king sized bed she shares with her husband of decades. His breath whistles slightly, warming her neck; his body conforms to hers, as it has every night since the first. Tonight, just as every night she will be sleepless as he dreams; of what she wonders, not her.

Tomorrow he will hug her and smile as he leaves for work. She is lonely after all these years, possessiveness doesn’t equal love, she learned. Someday her right foot will hit the ground and she will run like the wind.


Flash in the Pan is brought to you by the amazing Red of M3 fame. This week’s word is Lonely. The word limit for January is 150 words. This one comes in precisely at 150.


  1. Together and yet, so far apart. This state of affairs (pun unintended) is unfortunately quite prevalent I fear.

    Good penmanship, Val – okay, penwomanship, or is that penpersonship – you know what I mean 🙂

    P/s Sorry, but I am being a little smart alecky today.

  2. Oh my. Sad, really, even true to be sure, WOW, Valentine. The image of her ‘imprisoned’ beneath his heavy arm is palpable. This is fabulous, Valentine.
    I try not to read Flash in the Pan posts before I’ve already used the word in order not to get mixed up in some else’s story. Mine is half-written so I may be OK.

  3. Well done, Val !

  4. This one is one understandable… being with someone to not be alone rather than for love and strength and … very powerful!

  5. I don’t think her right foot will ever hit the floor.

    Nice little piece.

  6. Beautifully written as always Val. But you put me inside her head so that I was ready to run myself!

  7. You have a truly delightful style of
    writing Val and I really enjoyed this one 🙂 xx

  8. Beautifully done. Now I want the rest of the story!

  9. Poor thing. Is it menopause or is she just bored?

  10. Really great piece, Valentine! Loved it.

  11. This is fabulous. Very evocative. Gripping imagery. xxx