Never Enough


Your words transport me

New worlds open and I step out

Reaching for you to lead me

I am afraid even as you pull me in

Insatiable for new experience

Willingly I strip my defenses

Standing before you naked

Your words wash over me like silk

Catching on my rough edges

Ravenous for your touch

Gently your fingers trace my shape

Following curves I had forgotten

Raising hope I am enough

Soothing fears as light explodes

 Voracious in my demands

Catch me as I fall

Knees weak and heart faltering

Your smile is predatory

You lift me up with words

Insatiable for more

Never enough

Valentine, 30-July-2014


  1. Another brilliantly and clever use of words in your tantalising teasing pose.. 🙂 Great Val..

    • I am getting there with remembering how to play with words in poetry. It is a long forgotten joy to write, I am taking great pleasure in these. Thank you for reading and enjoying them.

  2. Gray Dawster says:

    I love the words, and your
    deliciously sweet picture also 🙂

    Did someone say awesome?
    Well this piece of poetry and your
    photograph are definitely that
    and so much more 🙂 Lovely…

    Andro xxxx

    • thank you so much my friend. There is a story behind the picture, someday I might tell it.

      • Gray Dawster says:

        When that time comes I will be happy to read it, you are a lovely woman Val, and exquisitely beautiful in every way. Have a very nice Sunday my dear friend 🙂

        Andro xxxx

  3. Such passion in you words, Val.

  4. Very nice imagery…especially the forgotten curves. I second the commenter who mentioned needing a cold shower!

  5. Raw passion comes through in these verses.

  6. ***Raising hope I am enough***

    Yes. You. Are.

    LOVE love love that photo of you, Val!!!! xxxxxxxx

  7. Of course you are enough!! I also concur with the ‘Never enough’ at the end 🙂 A beautiful composition Valentine.

  8. “…Following curves I had forgotten…”
    Forgetting one’s femaleness is heartbreaking.
    This is truly moving, Val.

  9. This one really speaks to the risks of love and the fears we have about it. Bravo!

  10. singleworkingmomswm says:

    I love the pic, Val! And, I really get this….it’s passionate, sensual and vulnerable. Wonderful writing, friend! XOXO-Kasey

    • Thank you Kasey, there is a story to that picture and I love it also. I am glad you like this one, it is inspired by someone special to me.


  11. You sound very inspired and like a woman in a good place these days, Val. Keep rocking it!

  12. Excellent play across images. This one is even visually exciting. Love it. ❤ And you, for that matter.

  13. You are good at this! …. and once again, I’m off for a cold shower.

  14. I like the flow of this, Valentine.
    “Raising hope I am enough”
    Indeed, you are enough!

  15. Yet another sensual post Valentine wow :O

  16. Jueseppi B. says:

    Finally….. 😉 Very good. Very emotional in a good way. Finally.

  17. Jueseppi B. says:

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