Challenges and Concerns: Evaluating the Integrity of Systems in the United States

When we think of corruption, what first comes to mind? There are many meanings of the word, if we look the word up in the dictionary, there will be several different definitions:

  1. dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people (such as government officials or police officers):DEPRAVITY

  2. inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means (such as bribery) the corruption of government officials

  3. a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct the corruption of a text the corruption of computer files

  4. DECAYDECOMPOSITION the corruption of a carcass

    1. chiefly dialectal: PUS
  5. archaic: an agency or influence that corrupts

Merriam Webster 2024

Where would you say the United States of America falls on the meter of Public Corruption today? At one time, we were the beacon of all that was good; our systems and public institutions were seemingly incorruptible. Our efforts to move the nation forward, while slow, were at least moving toward that promise, penned by Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin in the Declaration of Independence, that:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Of course, at the time, Jefferson and Franklin did not foresee that statement encompassing a country of such diversity. Indeed, they did not imagine one day, the people they held in human bondage would be free and standing alongside their progeny as equals. Clearly, with the words “all men,” they failed to imagine that one day, women would rise up, independent of their fathers and husbands. Yet here we are, men and women, standing in the town square and speaking out with diverse voices and experiences.

Or are we?

The world is holding its breath, watching our once incorruptible institutions and wondering what is next and what in Hell is wrong with America. Did our systems hold after January 6? Or are we in a tailspin of failure, heading into the autocracy so many on the right seem to embrace with shocking enthusiasm?

Look closely at the systems, local to federal, and even the fourth estate, the Media. What do you think? Are the systems holding or putting us and the world at risk?

I have often said two truths can be equally valid, and this is one of those times. We are faced with a vacuum of misinformation fomenting fury, stirring hate, and closing the hearts and minds of many during their most formative years. We have young people screaming HAMAS slogans without understanding their meaning, thinking they are standing up to tyranny and genocide. Why do they do this? What is the root cause of this fundamental ignorance?

Here is a sad truth about Americans, one-fifth of Americans between 18-29 believe the Holocaust is a myth. WTF you say, right that is what I say, too. The truth is, the genocide of six million Jewish people, the destruction of the European Romany people, the cruel murder of those deemed ‘less’ the crippled, the mentally disabled; all of this isn’t taught in many US public schools today. But there you have it, the failure of the local systems to teach ‘real’ history about genocide, slavery, and land theft; all of it means we have two, maybe three generations of ignorant, myopic, selfish, and ill-prepared human beings entering the world and these are the leaders of the future; God help us.

The failure of our education systems, from kindergarten to public and private universities, is our most egregious failure. This isn’t accidental; it was planned and executed to near perfection. The final nail in the coffin has been banning books throughout our public schools and libraries; the suppression of knowledge and the ability to develop critical thinking skills in our young people leads to what we see today across the country on university campuses.

Courts and justice systems will be the next significant failure. Over the last 30 years, the erosion of the judiciary branch has slowly been overtaken by political appointments at every critical level. The US Court of Appeals and Supreme Court have been overtaken by the political appointments of the extreme right-wing, fueled by the Heritage Foundation, and funded by those at the top with money to burn and a deep fear for anyone who might jeopardize their power.

Many of us remember the Obama years when the Federal bench sat empty of judges because the US Senate, led by Mitch McConnel, refused to do their job. Here is a stark reminder if you have forgotten:

Obama – 179 Nominees, 142 Appointments – 16.5%

Trump – 239 Nominees, 193 Appointments – 22.4%, including three (3) Supreme Court appointments, one that should have been Obama’s.

So, a stockpiled federal court handpicked by the Federalist Society, with lifetime appointments and intent on destroying progress. We have seen how this is working out for the nation:

Roe v. Wade – overturned

Biden v. Nebraska – Student Loan Forgiveness unconstitutional

Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard & North Carolina University – ruled Affirmative Action in admissions unconstitutional.

Finally, we have to look at the cases that struck the heart of Voting Rights and have slowly but surely diminished all that was won.

Shelby County v. Holder 2013 – struck down preclearance

Abbott v. Perez 2018 – the court ruled state legislatures were entitled to a presumption of good faith in redistricting.

Brnovitch v. DNC 2022 –  in which five so-called guideposts were identified to assess whether election laws were discriminatory under Section 2, devised by Justice Samuel Alito. Voting Rights advocates and election attorneys decried them as too broad and designed to undercut future challenges.

So ask yourself, are our systems holding? The two presumptive nominees for President are running neck and neck right now. One is currently sitting in court every single day as a ‘defendant’ in one of many of his criminal cases. The other is the President of the United States. One wants to be a Dictator. The other wants to be President one more time. Both are in their sunset years. One is a vulgarian, a want-to-be despot, and a traitor to everything this nation says they hold precious. The other, well, he has served this nation his entire adult life; I know that I haven’t always agreed with him, but I also know that he doesn’t want to burn this nation down.

So, where do we go from here? Will our systems hold? Will we kick the minority-majority to the curb come November, show them what we are made of, and begin to truly rebuild this nation? It is up to those who genuinely believe we can be great; no one will if we don’t do it.

What I Notice

The thing I notice most these days is the tribal nature of society. We are becoming more isolated, living more inside our own bubbles of belief and information. Each tribe refuses to hear, see, or speak to anything or anyone outside their tiny consortium. Each cohort demands others join them in a common cause or die in the fires that will burn when they ‘win.’

It is terrifying to watch this descent. Yet, it is even more horrifying to think that most of us participated in this outcome through our silence or active engagement. Depending on which side of the imaginary wall you stand, we all have some culpability in the state of our nation and society today. Isn’t it amazing? Those innocuous things, initially whispered from the fringes of the far Right or far Left, can no longer be ignored. What we once thought of as ‘those’ people over there; they are ‘us’ in too many cases.

Consider the changes in our lexicon and what they mean in public and private forums.

SituationshipA relationship that is more than friends but less than together. Call it what it is, “friends with Benefits.”New
MAGATrumps lie. Make America Great Again from his 2016 campaign. New
InfluencerA person with no particular skills who has somehow built a following on a social media site convicing others of their expertise or ‘good life.’Changed
GaslightingThe act or practice of grossly misleading another person for personal advantage. Most often found within interpersonal / dating situations. Changed

Attentive to important societal facts about social justice” back more than fifty years, but its recent use as a disapproving way of saying “extremely liberal” The term “Stay Woke” first began appearing within the African American community in the 1923. 

History of Woke

Cisgenderrelating to, or being a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex the person was identified as having at birth, first entered into the lexicon in 1994.New
BedwettingDisparaging: used to describe an exhibition of emotional overreaction to events, major decisions or outcomes. Changed
Cancel CulturePopular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive.New

The above are just some strange words we have accepted as normal, sometimes without understanding their origin or meaning. There are, of course, many more. Some I refuse to add here because they are nothing more than dog whistles and ugly. Some are entirely ignorant, primarily used only in political speech to gain traction within small segments of society, and are unworthy of notice unless you live within those bubbles.

What I notice, we are changing the lexicon to fit a new mode of communication and how we relate to each other in our everyday lives. We create language by giving bad behavior ‘pretty’ or innocuous names. Words often become weapons to disparage entire communities or our political rivals. Every time we do this, we throw up walls preventing us from listening to each other or finding common ground to stand on.

We “catch” feelings. Sounds like we are out at the park throwing a ball. But that isn’t at all what it means. What it means, in truth, is that grown people have begun to care for someone, maybe love someone. What it means is they weren’t expecting it. The ‘caught’ feelings sort of like catching a disease.

We “ghost” someone. Grown people can no longer look each other in the eye and say this isn’t working for me; instead, they “Ghost.” This means they disappear, leaving the other person wondering what went wrong, what they did wrong. What the hell is wrong with people today? Cowards, heartless and without empathy or compassion, these grown folk simply walk away and disappear without a word. Whether it is after a first date, or months of a relationship, Ghosting is a common phenomenon in today’s world of supposedly adult dating. So now we have added “Ghosting” to our lexicon rather than calling it what it is; Cowardly, Craven, Weak, Spinless, Lowlife, Mannerless, and Mean.

I could go on and on about some of this, but I will stop with one that I believe gave us the mess we are in today. Cancel Culture. That’s right; we wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the idea that no one should have an opinion outside of the “acceptable” box. I am not saying that some things shouldn’t be called out; they should be. I am not saying that some things aren’t despicable and ugly; they are, and we should hold people accountable. Nevertheless, we are a nation of millions, in fact, 341,432,270, with a median age of 38.1 years. That means there are differing opinions about nearly everything, even if they aren’t expressed. The truth? We are damned mean to each other when we express our views outside of acceptable boundaries or our tribe’s acceptable boxes. What do we do? We Cancel that person, that business, or that thing. We make them pariahs within society; we banish them. Not because they have committed murder, pedophilia, genocide, or rape no, not because of any of these terrible crimes. We cancel them because we disagree and convince others they deserve to be stripped of their businesses, livelihood, reputation, and even their very humanity because we don’t like their opinion.

Please don’t mistake me; there are times when this is absolutely fair. But there are other times when it goes too far. When we go too far and refuse to understand both sides of an argument, respecting another person’s Right to speak or act in the same way we demand our Right to speak is both hypocritical and petty. There has to be a middle ground where each side listens and even sometimes accepts uncomfortable truths, not because they agree, but because it is how society functions for all of us successfully. Sometimes, it is compromise; other times, it is by acceptance of another person’s Right to live outside of our own ‘truth’ without being battered.

I love words; I love how they change over time to encompass social and generational changes. I am fascinated by the idea that we can embrace cultural shifts without even realizing we are doing so. Nevertheless, what we are seeing today, in so many states across this beautiful and distinct nation of ours, is the stripping of our history, the erasure of diversity, the very thing that makes us great.

If we aren’t careful, if we don’t stand up for every American and for our Democratic Republic in November with our vote for Democracy, we will lose more than the Right to disagree. Don’t sit on your couch this November. Don’t take a pass because you hate both candidates. Don’t vote third-party in protest. Vote because your future depends on it.

Off to the Races

So, we now have our two candidates, a repeat of the 2020 Presidential Election, though it is not really.

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr √

Donald John Trump √

Both of them are the oldest candidates ever to run for the Presidency of the United States.

Joe Biden at 81 √

Donald Trump at 77 √

One of them has eighty-eight criminal indictments as of today.

Donald Trump √

One has multiple civil cases where he has been found liable (guilty) and a debt of over half a billion dollars. In any sane world, this would make him ineligible for the presidency simply because it would make him a security risk.

Donald Trump √

That about sums up the difference between 2020 and 2024, though there is certainly more. Let’s dive into what this election season will look like; it will be long and ugly, of this I have no doubt.

I am astounded by the things said about President Joe Biden by the general public; it is as if they live in an alternate reality. This is not to say that I don’t think there are things he could be doing or could have done better. Nevertheless, to suggest that he has diminished our standing as a nation internationally, this is so ignorant on its face it is impossible for me to even understand.

Then we have the issues of the economy; I get it; many are working hard to make ends meet today, and it still feels like we are running on a treadmill. Under Joe Biden and his administration, we avoided a recession, rebuilt real economic growth, added more jobs, and our recovery outpaced every other Western economy globally. On the downside, housing remains high, groceries have not come down, and gas prices remain high despite our reserves and the fact that we are the largest exporter in the world today.

Let’s pick those two things apart for a minute. In recent polls, the unwashed masses thought Citizen Trump would outperform President Biden on Foreign Policy and the Economy. Not to dwell on this too much, but I think Citizen Trump recently invited Putin to do to NATO allies who didn’t pay their bills? That’s right, “to do whatever the hell you want.” Of course, this significantly distorts the NATO alliance as there are no bills to be paid. There is a guideline that 2% of GDP is spent on defense by each Allied Nation. One other salient fact, everything Citizen Trump has ever said about NATO is a lie, and the only time the NATO Treaty Article 5 has ever been acted on was when this nation was attacked on September 11. Every single NATO nation came to our aid.

There is a reason Ukraine is considered the Breadbasket of the world. Before Russia’s invasion, the nation could feed half a billion people with the crops they grew. The land is some of the most fertile on earth, ideally suited for grains, sunflowers, corn, and soybeans. Ukraine fed itself and exported across Europe, Egypt, Africa, Turkey, and China. With Russia’s invasion, not only has farming been stopped in much of the country, exports have obviously been stopped, causing a sharp rise in food prices worldwide and in some cases, food shortages.

Citizen Trump says, let Putin have it. Stop all aid to Ukraine. The House GOP says Okay.

President Biden, says give me an aide package. Support our Ally, as we promised we would. This is not just for Ukraine but for our National Security, and he is right. This is to prevent Putin from moving into a sovereign nation. This is to support an ally. This is to keep our standing in the world. We don’t provide money; we provide them with ordnance already in our stockpile and then make more, providing US jobs. We don’t provide boots on the ground, but if we don’t help Ukraine win this war, we might have to if Putin invades a NATO country.

As for the other, the economy itself? The fact that the people of this nation believe that Citizen Trump and the MAGA GOP would be better than President Joe Biden and his administration speaks volumes. It speaks to the pure simplemindedness of the populace, their willingness to be led by braggarts, their half-truths, and their myopic vision of recent history. Some of these foolish supporters of the MAGA way couldn’t buy toilet paper to wipe their own asses, but they think Citizen Trump has a better understanding of how to handle the national economy.

Let me provide a taste of some of the Poll comments taken recently in support of Citizen Trump:

“As a President, he did many good things for this country. An honest man.”

“He helped the US economy grow.”

“The people of the US were more united under Trump.”

“I think he did a lot for the United States he was good for our country.he is a good man. The country wasn’t in the trouble that it is in now, with gas, food housing, jobs, prices. Look how things are since he Left office.”

“Because he is very humble.”

“He loves America. Always putting America first.”

“He did alot of good for our Country in fighting for Constitutional rights, restoring our own independent energy resources, and getting rid of corruption [deep state], as much as he could.”

Those are just a few of the hundreds, and I can’t take credit for the grammar or spelling, nor did I attempt to clean them up. This, though, is the crazy we are faced with.

When you add the lunacy of a judiciary with jobs for life, many of whom were appointed by Citizen Trump during his time in the Oval Office, and a Supreme Court that appears to be circling the drain of judiciary restraint, what do we have to look forward to in this election cycle? One thing I can guarantee is that it will not be pretty.

Despite the official nominations being months away, we have our candidates, and the campaign season has begun.


a: small common harmful or objectionable animals (such as lice or fleas) that are difficult to control

b: birds and mammals that prey on game

c: animals that at a particular time and place compete (as for food) with humans or domestic animals

This is how Citizen Trump refers to human beings trying to enter this country. He doesn’t differentiate between those entering by legal means from those entering illegally. His only real differentiation is that of those coming across the Southern Border. Now, the interesting thing is four (4) of his five (5) children are the children of immigrant mothers. Citizen Trump himself is the grandson of a draft-dodging, pimp who immigrated from Bavaria (Germany) and set up shop.

So, what is the difference between Citizen Trump and his immigration story? Let me see if I can find it …. pimps, draft dodgers, illegal immigration (Melania)… but, there you go, all of them are, well, what do you know, all of them are Caucasian.

Then you have the oh-so-wholesome and patriotic singing of the National Anthem at his rallies by convicted seditionists and White Supremacists, or as he likes to refer to them .. J6 Hostages. After declaring himself Dictator, He promised his first act will be to pardon all of them.

How do we still view President Joe Biden and Citizen Trump as equal? How are we still comparing them and saying this is a choice between equally bad candidates? What happened to moral character?

There is more, there is so much more, but I think this is enough for today. As I said, it isn’t going to be pretty.

By the way, Citizen Trump is broke. Tomorrow we will find out just how broke. But the Lying out his azz Billionaire is broke.

What Fools We Are

I want to consider the United States of America a mostly intelligent nation with mostly kind and compassionate people. I want to, but these days it is difficult. I can’t watch and read the news and say, “Yes, look at all these kind, Christian, and intellectually honest people voicing their political views.”  I am unable to listen to the candidates or public servants from the other side without becoming terrified by their rhetoric and thoughtless diatribes.

In 2015, a man rode down a gold escalator and announced his candidacy for the highest office in the land; we all laughed and thought he was a joke. Donald J. Trump had been a fraud, a thief, a womanizer, an adulterer, and a witless hanger-on in New York high society for decades. He was also a known racist, a known misogynist, and a well-known friend to those with less-than-stellar character for most, if not all, of his adult life. This half-wit based his entire political strategy on two things: racism and his self-proclaimed business savvy, one a proven truth and the other a proven lie. Let’s take a quick look at the foundation of this fraud:

In 1973, the Trump organization was accused by the US Justice Department of racial discrimination, specifically against Black Americans trying to rent properties in their buildings. They settled, and as part of that settlement, they had to agree to change their policies.

In 1989 Trump called for the Death Penalty on the Central Park Five, five teenage Black and Latino youths accused of raping a young woman who were later exonerated. He took out full-page ads and gave interviews during this time.

From 2011 to 2016, Trump pushed the Birther conspiracy about Barack Obama and combined this with the complete fabrication of whether then-President Obama was Christian or not.

In 1990, Fred Trump (his father) bought $3 million in Trump Castle casino chips so Donald could pay interest on his loans. This was later judged to be an illegal loan, and Donald had to pay $65,000 in fines to New Jersey.

1991, Trump Taj Mahal files for bankruptcy relief.

1992, Trump Plaza Hotel files for bankruptcy relief.

Trump forms the Trump Hotel and Casino Resorts as a publicly traded company, retaining 56% of stock. Despite reorganization, the company failed to turn a profit and filed for bankruptcy relief in 2004, 2009, and 2014.

This barely scratches the surface of Trump’s failures and scams.

Trump University. Sued by the State of New York. Settled for $25 million without admitting guilt or malfeasance.

But back to his 2015 announcement, it was full of racist rhetoric, but we should have seen it coming based on his history. We should have also believed him, but we laughed and dismissed him. His announcement was full of braggadocio, and his business acumen and success were a centerpiece. If we hadn’t been so busy laughing at the fool before us, perhaps we wouldn’t be where we are today.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Dr. Maya Angelo

I would like to think America is better than this, but we are proving every day we are not. We have a third-rate backbencher as the Speaker of the House. Our allies are terrified we will leave them at the mercy of Russia and Putin. We have a narcissist, would-be dictator as the third-time GOP presidential candidate who would rather play politics with national security and hopes for an economic crash because it would be good for him. The GOP in Congress has made clear they are nothing more than the support arm of the Trump campaign, installing a MAGA election denier as Chair and the daughter-in-law of twice impeached ex-president as co-chair who together have already said they will funnel funds toward legal fees and ‘poll watchers’ rather than down-ballot candidates.

The halls of Congress echo with songs of praise and hallelujahs for the Orange Jesus that will lead them into the failed nation they claim is already here. The cult of White Grievance, White Nationalism, and White Evangelism is here, and it is led by a man who never once in his life cracked open a Bible, never once met a sin he didn’t want to commit, and never once met a Commandment he didn’t break.

So here we are. We have the two oldest presidential candidates running in the history of this nation. We have voters who wish it were otherwise and are thus unenthusiastic about the Democrat and looking at the Republican as if he might be a viable option. We have an uninformed, under-educated, conspiracy-believing nation full of half-witted bigots who have either forgotten or simply do not care what the first Presidency of Donald J. Trump was and are willing to drink the Kool-Aide of a media bent on destroying this nation as we know it. But let’s take a short trip down memory lane, shall we? This is what happened during the 4 years of the first Trump Administration.

  • Dropped the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% and created additional tax breaks for the wealthy, more of that trickle-down theory. End result? $7 Trillion was added to the national debt.
  • Multiple trade wars started with China and other nations, resulting in tariffs trickling down to the consumer. Do you wonder why prices are still high? In part, it is because wholesalers and retailers continue to charge the same price despite no longer absorbing the tariffs.
  • The tragedy of the coronavirus was worldwide, but focusing on this nation is important because we had a President who knew how dangerous it was and didn’t just downplay the danger but politicized it.
    • More than 1 million dead Americans
    • More than one-third of small businesses closed during Covid.
    • The average unemployment rate 13%. This is misleading, though it was much higher in some industries, reaching above 20%, and in many cases, these jobs have still not recovered.
    • Schools closed, and children falling behind socially and educationally.
    • In some cities, hospitals and morgues out of capacity.
      • Refrigeration trucks used to store the dead.
      • The sick in hallways being cared for by doctors and nurses, unable to return to their homes for fear they might infect their families.
      • Experts demonized while politicians, including the President, suggested bizarre and dangerous options for cures.
      • The mental health of the entire nation was jeopardized by isolation, joblessness, homelessness, and the loss of loved ones without proper goodbyes.
      • Supply chains were disrupted, creating empty shelves of essentials, and social media showed daily fights in the aisles for toilet paper, diapers, and baby formula.
        • These are just the highlights, and yet, the cult wants to return this nation to this. Somehow, whether the man in the street or the elected official thinks this was the golden age we should be pining for.

I watched the State of the Union President Joe Biden delivered this week and was proud that he was this nation’s President. I was happy to think there was a man in the White House who cared more for this nation than he did for his own enrichment.

Is he old? Is his walk a bit slower? Does he stutter? Yes, to all of that.

Has he and his administration brought us back from the brink of disaster? Yes, to that as well.

When you consider the alternative between the two candidates, remember this; one gives a shit about this country and our standing in the world, about the people of this nation, about the Constitution and what it means, about our Democratic Republic and how we continue to grow great, about the American Dream and how we can all reach it.

The other, well, he sees us as a failed nation ripe for the picking.

Time and Again, What’s in it for us

Now y’all know I love politics. The push and pull of the election season is exciting, most of the time. But this year, damn, it just feels nasty, like someone has taken a bucket of slime and poured it over the entire United States. The stench of ugly is permeating everything and everywhere. It is gangrene on a national level.

Let me say this as nicely as possible before diving into the obvious horror story of the 2024 presidential election year.

I wish Joe Biden would have stuck to his original plan of being a one-term president. This isn’t about his age, though he is indeed old. Let’s all acknowledge he is 81 years old; if he wins in 2024, he will be 82 when he is sworn in and 86 when he finishes his second term. This isn’t ageism talking; this is pure reality; the Presidency is one of the most demanding jobs in the world; it requires mental agility and physical stamina. For his age, Joe is doing well; nevertheless, he is 42 years older than the average American citizen. Yes, I know his experience benefits all of us, which has been proven through this administration. However, with clear sight, his age is a detriment as much as a benefit. He will continue to age, and he will continue to slow down; this is not ageism; it is simply the reality of the human condition, and we need to acknowledge he, and we put this nation at risk by placing him back in office.

The Presidency ages everyone who has ever taken on the job, with one exception, 45; he didn’t age because he didn’t take the job seriously. The Presidency was simply another one of his cons, another way for him to add to his personal coffers both during and after his time in office. He didn’t age because he didn’t do the job the people elected him to do. The one thing we know about 45 is he is aging now; it is serious now, and the piper has come for his payment. His mental acuity is rapidly diminishing. He shows signs of being a person without a firm grasp of reality.

Let’s talk about the GOP, the Grand Old Party, the party of Law and Order, family values, small government, and all that jazz. Let’s talk about these men and women who sit in every seat of power across the land; and stir up controversy, pain, suffering, and dammit sedition. By God, how did we fall so far in such a short time? High School dropouts are walking the halls of Congress and calling themselves leaders. The highest court in the land rife with corruption and laughing as they strip millions of voting rights, body autonomy, and access to education without blinking an eye. The House is full of elected officials with only one agenda; to follow the leadership of a seditious lunatic who has publically stated he wants to see the economy fail and continued border disasters, all to ensure his election success.

We are living the new American Horror Story. A story where women are reduced back to chattel, and worse, all people who are not Heterosexual White Men (HWM) are reduced to “less than.” We are living a nightmare of raging culture wars where Mickey Mouse is an enemy of the people, Taylor Swift is a deep-state plant, and accurate history, along with any book written by or for people not (HWM), are banned from libraries across the nation.

We are living in a nightmare world where the leader of the once Grand Old Party, the party of Eisenhower and Lincoln, is a power-hungry, sexual deviant, with four (4) indictments encompassing ninety-one charges stemming from his criminal acts both while in office and after leaving office, and yet none of this seems to deter his followers one iota. His followers include both the unwashed, unschooled, and ignorant masses but also those who currently hold office in both the Senate and House and who continue to do his bidding. These sycophants who hold high office elected by the people, paid by the people to do the work of the people, and who continue to refuse to do a single thing but trail behind this lunatic would-be dictator, holding his drool cup and beg for the crumbs from his table.

What haven’t they done at the bidding of the outrageous conman who has thus far spent $50,000,000 of campaign funds on his personal legal fees?

  1. They have refused to secure the border between Mexico and the United States. Their most significant complaint is their constant whine, their biggest battle cry. But no, they say we can’t do this today because the Great Orange Jesus says no.
  2. They have refused aid to Ukraine, a nation that has fought hard to retain their own borders their own land, and preserve their democracy from the encroachment of Russia. With less than 5% of our massive defense budget, we can and must save them as we committed. But what does Mike Johnson say to this? NO, he has said with every vote he has cast prior to his elevation to the Speakership, just as the Orange Jesus has told him to do.
  3. They have refused aid to Israel. Now, personally, I am genuinely on the fence with this one; on the one side of that fence is my belief that Israel does not require our financial support, nor does it deserve our support based on their current actions. On the other side of that fence is our national commitment to come to their aid when they are attacked, and there is no mistake; October 7 was an attack by a terrorist organization. On the other hand, Benjamin Netanyahu is a Right Wing nutjob who should not be supported in his stated plan to entirely eliminate the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Frankly, I don’t believe he is any better than 45 and should be treated as a toxic leader along with all of his sycophants. This is not a condemnation of Israel but of him.

What have they done? Nothing that benefits the American People, not one single, solitary thing to now.

Ah, Election Season. We are in for a ride. Are you afraid yet? I sure in the hell am.

Dear God XII

Dear God, Happy belated Birthday. Most of us know December 25th isn’t your birthday but a pagan holiday, but whatever floats the Christian boat is just fine, and it does result in some good after-Christmas sales. Okay, now that is out of the way, can we talk? I have a few bones to pick with you. I know, when don’t I, right? But really, God, don’t you think this is getting a bit ridiculous? I know, tis the season and all that jazz, but come on, can’t you blast some folk for special effects if for no other reason? I bet you think all those weather events are making people stop and think, but God, you, and I both know people are especially stupid these days.

Dear God, did you plan it this way? I know the Bible says so; however, as anyone with half a brain knows, the King James Bible was written by a bunch of European men with agendas, and not good ones. I know that it wasn’t your intention to create this level of ugly, this schism within humanity.  So, let’s talk about the Old Testament for just a quick second. Can we do that without offense?

Dear God, have you looked down on Israel, on your Chosen People? Have you seen them in their fury and what they are doing? I am not pretending to know all the truth, but one truth I am certain of babies are innocent, children are innocent, and many others who are maimed, dying, starving, and living in fear of the next bomb or next bullet are innocent of this unrelenting war of retribution. They say, God, that given enough time, a people can become what they fear or what they hate; maybe it is time you hold up a mirror for your Chosen to look into. What did you tell Abraham, oh yes, that he would be the father of nations (Genesis 17) through his sons Ishmael and Isaac, and thus the lines were drawn from then to now. You set them up and knock them down. Maybe it is time to remind all the people that your names are many, and the children of Abram all worship one God, not many, not different, but One.

Dear God, let’s talk about the unrelenting and terrible mess we have made of it here in the speck of dust we call the United States for a minute, if you don’t mind. For a brief minute, we appeared to have made some progress; you know, people were beginning to act like they had sense; they weren’t so hate-filled, so fear-filled, so damned scared of the ‘other’ that seemed to loom around every corner. It seems we have taken several large steps backward, and it is just plain ugly. We have the self-righteous leading, the self-pitying into pits of fiery hate and embracing ignorance. Compassion is considered a weakness; these monsters that once hid in dark rooms now preach from pulpits and scream their sacrilege through the televisions of every home in this nation. Their poison infects the hearts and minds of millions, even calling your greatest commandments weak and your word incompatible with today’s world while continuing to call themselves Christians (albeit White Nationalist Christians).

Dear God, I know many say it is the End of Days. Maybe it is. I was never a big fan of that part of the Bible. It was rather dreary. Maybe I will go back to my Torah and Talmud and read what those pesky Europeans left out. I don’t know if it will make me feel any better about all the nonsense being spewed by those who get their information from television preachers with 5th-grade reading levels, the comprehension of fire ants after a rain storm, and a propensity to hate rather than love. I am about as weary as it is possible to be with scallywags and cocksure conmen leading the nation into ruin, in your name. Aren’t you tired yet?

Dear God, just a little prayer for myself at the end of this. I know I make fun of it, laugh about it, and play strong for the crowd because what else am I going to do? But God, I grow tired of being constantly alone and I don’t want to burden my sons when they have so much else to worry about. I feel my body fail some days, and I am afraid. If this year has taught me nothing, it has taught me I can’t do it all, and being by myself all the time isn’t healthy. I know I chose this, if I could I would unchoose, but that isn’t possible. So maybe God, look down and help me find the necessary grace, loosen the fear on my heart.

Let’s Talk, Dysfunction

I know most of us don’t know what to say anymore. I surely don’t have the words, well that isn’t entirely true; I have the words they just aren’t used in polite society. We have two parties, one presumably taking the high road, the other rapidly taking the road to hell. Both are frankly leading this nation into a pit of despair, one without true direction or the ability to dig us out of this quagmire we find ourselves in today.

On June 16, 2015, the man who would be king rode down the escalator with his bombastic rhetoric about how he would save America from itself. The ignorant, the fearful, the fools afraid they were losing their place at the table bought his promise to return them to the top. With each rally, each gift of another interview with Fox, he pushed further outside of everything normal; every value we once thought of as America and the underbelly was exposed for who they were. The America that had hidden their bigotry, fear, and ignorance were ripped open and given permission to be themselves after decades of living in closets and shadows. They marched on the streets of our cities and violently attacked their enemies; anyone who did not look like them, love like them, or challenged their narrow view of what the world should look like were targets of their vitriol and violence.

On January 20, 2017, much to the dismay and shock of so many of us, that same ugly, ill-equipped, and unprepared charlatan was sworn in as the forty-fifth president of the United States of America. In his Inauguration speech, he painted a picture of this nation that was nowhere near the truth, but his loyal followers faithfully latched on and repeated it. American Carnage was the start of what would become America’s downfall.

(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

His disregard for America ended up costing millions of lives, yet still, they sing his praises.

Then we came to that critical day that divided us even further as if we could be further divided: January 6, 2021. The President of the United States of America proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he was not fit to hold any public office. This man who for four years had destroyed our international relationships, killed millions of Americans, robbed the public coffers, and treated the office as an extension of Trump Enterprise, LLC. What happened? After months of stoking the fire with his lies about stolen elections, his attacks on private citizens and public officials. He invited the worst of his followers to Washington, D.C., for a ‘protest party,’ in real terms, an insurrection to overturn the election of a New President because he lost.


During his months of whining, pissing, and moaning about how the election was stolen his acolytes stuck to him like glue. Fearful of his rage, they encouraged his lies; they told more outrageous lies of their own. Some of them even planned their own nefarious means to help him steal the presidency. They planned their anointing of the would be dictator; against their oaths of office, against their fealty to the Constitution; these eight (8) Senators and (139) Congressmen and women voted against certifying the election, among them Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise; all of them traitors to the United States, all of them within a hairs breath of the presidency if only through the Speakers gavel.

So, with that tiny bit of history, let’s focus on today. The fallout of Donald J. Trump’s Presidency and how it has shaped America and the Biden Presidency. During the first eighteen months of his term, the Senate and House were controlled by the Democrats. However, in both cases, there were slim majorities in the Senate and outliers like Joe Mansion and Kyrsten Sinema, who constantly threw in their two cents of hackery and nonsense like fire bombs. Then came 2022; what a year that was in the history of elections. We saw more fools, charlatans, and outright frauds running for office than I think we ever had before. The Democrats maintained control of the Senate, with Trump’s hand-picked candidates losing everywhere they ran. The House went to the GOP, but by such a narrow margin, they couldn’t afford to expel George Santos, a Jr member under indictment with 24 separate federal crimes.

I remember when Republicans told Richard Nixon it was time to leave office for far less.

Now we come back, full circle to the chicanery and pure, undiluted fuckery of that which is the cult of MAGA and Donald J. Trump. The ruin of American Democracy, the burn-it-down party and their nihilism. Led by a handful of MAGA Senators and Congresspersons, we no longer have a working government. They don’t want to legislate; they want to parade in front of the camera, grin and create soundbites for Likes and Dollars. They put our nation at risk with their tricks, and worse, they’re playing up to their twice impeached, four-time indicted, facing ninety-one criminal charges, not to mention the civil cases he has already lost. With all this, their feckless leader pushes them to make the government his defense shield.

[Read more…]

Dear God, XI

Dear God, have you noticed it getting worse down here? Your name is being used not just in vain but to create a new religious order based on hate, fear, bigotry, and exclusion. I don’t know about you, God, but I have read the bastardized version of your roadmap a few times, and I am confident this was not the message you sacrificed your son for.

Dear God, have you been getting your rest lately? You must be taking a break, maybe gearing up for the big one. That is the only conclusion I can draw from all the terrible and terrifying going on down here. We are more divided and less trusting of each other today than we were even fifty years ago. We have failed to move closer to the dream, and there are those among us who are committed to a return to the nightmare. God, this dedication is in your name, from pulpits and State Houses, in your name. Haven’t you rested enough?

Dear God, I recognize you have been taking a hands-off approach for several thousand years, letting humanity do what they will, how they will and seeing where they will go with it. But have you been at least taking a peak down here? Do you see where this is going? The Morning Star is winning, and I mean winning big time. The pack is rising, ugly, and mean down here. It might be time to pay attention before it all blows sky-high, maybe even taking a piece of heaven with it.

Dear God, I know plenty of folks down here thinking the Apocalypse is near. God, fools are standing on the side of the road holding up signs and waiting to be Raptured as if they are holier than holy and have lived sinless lives. Some of them need to be scrubbed up and prayed up for days, if not months, before they are worthy of even stepping feet across the threshold of your house, never mind being lifted up on judgment day. But there I go, being all judgey; some days, I can’t help myself and you and I both know I am far from sinless myself. But God, at least I know I have spots on my soul, and at least I know I may not be a first-round draft pick. I am honestly good with all that.

Dear God, I remember when I thought it was getting better. Oh, I know there were always those fools who would stay in their pockets of ignorance and hate, but I honestly thought we were getting better. There was a time when I was younger and far more idealistic when I thought we were ripping away the centuries of hate, bias, prejudice and becoming better than we had been. I guess I was just young. I saw what I wanted to see and believed what I wanted to believe about humanity. Worse, I saw what I wanted, even about people I thought I knew well.

Dear God, bombs are dropping, children are dying, and there is a rise in authoritarian governments who claim your name as their purpose, not just in this nation but across the world. In this nation, we have a rise in the illiterate, a disdain for science, for facts, even for books, and the truth of history. A distortion of your Word is entering our classrooms and public spaces at an alarming rate. Hate seems to be the new coin of the realm, and people are storing it in their souls as if it will save them. The marginalized, disenfranchised, those outside of what has been deemed normal, or maybe better stated ‘White, Christian, Heterosexual,” are all being attacked with a ferocity not seen in decades.

Dear God, are you there, are you listening? I am not asking for myself; there is plenty I might ask for myself, but I don’t want to bother you with the petty stuff. But God, this world could use just a bit of attention right now, just a poke or a prod to get these people using your name to suck the life out of the easily misled, the foolish and the furious who believe their lives can only be better at the expense of other peoples misery. Maybe you could strike a few pulpits with lightning? Flood a few rallies during their speeches? God, I would even take skywriting, just big letters in the sky:


Dear God, I know it might feel like too much for you to take on all at once, after all, you have been watching this unfold for a very long time. I get it, I do. I am exhausted after only sixty-six years. But really, this is your job; you signed on for it. So, could you kindly take it a bit more seriously? People are being hurt and dying for no reason other than the color of their skin, the person they love, or how they express their gender. God, I know you don’t make mistakes, so maybe you could just remind others of this one small thing: stop these fools in pulpits from cherry-picking your Word to serve their personal bigotry. Stop those in power from serving up their love of power with a side dish of hate. Just this, God, would go a long way toward bringing back those who have turned away from you.





..^..^..^..^……………………………………. ……                        4,900,000,000

That is the number of children’s heartbeats lost in Uvalde. Just the children.

Heartbeats at the Covenant School in Tennessee their parents will never hear again:                                4,620,000,000

Heartbeats in Oklahoma, teenagers killed by a sex offender who was able to purchase a gun:                  4,200,000,000

Heartbeats of the MSU students murdered by a person who shouldn’t been allowed to buy a gun:            3,867,500,000

Lest we forget, another Texas murder of the nine-year-old with his family, another heartbeat stopped:     2,240,000,000

Then there is the sixteen-year-old at an Orlando park at Easter, a heart stopped:                                       1,995,000,000

Finally, the heartbeat stopped in Allen with his mother and father, two years old:                                       2,450,000,000

This is just a taste of how little we care for our children, how terrible and tragic this nation truly is. We are not numb; we are traumatized. We think this is the price of freedom. Those of us who believe the loss of even one child is one too many are afraid of offending those who hold up the 2nd as if it were holier than the Bible.

Do you want the Heartbeat math? I am more than happy to provide it.

The life span of the average man is 73 years.

The life span of the average woman is 77 years.

The average number of heartbeats in a year is 35,000,000

For every year not lived, that is 35,000,000, that person’s heart did not beat. For every year stolen from a child by guns, that child lost the opportunity to grow up and chase dreams. For every year stolen, parents, grandparents, and siblings must live with the trauma of the lost heartbeat of the missing child forever.

Victims are not only those who lose their lives. Victims are all those who remain behind, whose hearts continue to beat. Whose souls scream in the night, “Why?” Victims are those who demand answers from those who are indifferent to their pain. Victims live with the loss of their loved ones and must endure the endless empty place at the table. Victims bury their dead in small caskets, stare endlessly at the last pictures and ask, “Why them? Why not me?”

We are a nation of victims. Some of us have survived to tell the tale. Every time a thoughtless person in power sends another “Thoughts and Prayers” to the victims of another mass shooting, the survivors wonder when it will end. Then we retreat into our cocoon of trauma to heal ourselves because we still suffer and feel the bullets ripping into our bodies. No matter how tough we are on the outside, we still know what the latest victims felt as they died. We still remember the prayers we prayed. We still remember our parents, children, and siblings and their rage at what happened to us. We still know, and we are helpless in the face of it.

When will it be too much even for them?


That is the number of stilled heartbeats for just the small number of children I picked out. There are so many more in this year alone.

There have been 219 Mass Shootings in 2023

There have been 97 children under the age of eleven killed.

There have been 558 teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 killed.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. It gets so much worse; murders and suicides are in the thousands. When do we stand up and say no more?

Gun Violence Archive

Dear God X

Dear God, in the interest of not repeating myself and railing at you about the dead children and lunatics with guns, I skipped Uvalde. To not step on toes, you know, those over-the-top ones who claim to speak in the name of your Son, I also skipped Dodd and the devastation it has wrought across this nation on women and girls. I have kept my peace about some of the lunatics still inhabiting positions of power across this nation and wielding it to destroy the lives of those who are different. Haven’t we seen this before? You remember Germany, Russia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rwanda, Cambodia, Darfur, and the first Ukraine, just in the last century. When we add the Slave Trade and North American Natives, God, we are not doing a very good job down here left to our own devices.

Dear God, how do you not look down and at least nudge folk a little tiny bit in the right direction? I have to ask, are you asleep or simply disinterested? Do you see what is happening, not just here but across the world, with the general movement toward the more ugly, hateful, and terrible that humanity brings to the table given even the slightest opportunity to show its ass. Do you see and say to yourself, “well, let’s just see how far they will go before I smite a few of them back onto the right and righteous path.”

Dear God, I know you must be busy though I am not certain about what these days other than the thousands showing up on your doorstep every day. Aren’t you just a bit weary of all the dead children? I know their parents would have preferred to keep them here, raise them up and watch whom they would become. Do you plan this to determine the worthiness of this world? Do you count the hairs upon the heads of the elders and the children who lay dead by violence and think, “Damned Shame that happened again.”

Dear God, we are led by charlatans, imposters, and Cons, many suited up every Sunday and professing to speak in your name from pulpits of mega-churches across the land. The things they say in your name should make your head swim; indeed, your greatest angel dances gleefully in Hell with all your inattention as he leads the faithless towards even worse malevolent acts every day. With each mass murder, as the bodies lie bleeding, unrecognizable from the destruction of the bullets shot from weapons meant for battlefields, these pretenders offer up “thoughts and prayers,” I can only wonder to whom; surely it can’t be you or your son.


Dear God, in a couple of days, we will celebrate the birth of your Son. For the believers, this is a day of great celebration. Many no longer believe because of the great evil done in your name. You have seemingly turned your back and left the world to its own ways; what could possibly go wrong? God, look through the eyes of those of us who still have a smidgen of hope, and see what we see:

  • A Black Man was recently stopped and harassed by the police in Michigan for looking at a White woman ‘wrong.’
  • Congress had to fight to pass a bill to respect marriage for Americans, whether Gay or Interracial, in America. Even in 2022, some people still believe others do not share the same rights as White Heterosexuals. Last I checked, God, you did not say a Blessed thing about Homosexuality; this bastardization of Leviticus is all in the filthy minds of White Male Preachers. I know you didn’t say a damned thing about the color of one’s skin being a deciding factor in love.
  • A few weeks ago, a nightclub was shot up because of its clientele; the worst part was that families were there to support friends and family members.
  • Across the nation, antisemitic rhetoric is on the rise leading to real threats to communities and places of worship. Remember the Camps across Europe and the millions who died because they, too, were Jews, it seems we are seeing this again, but now it is here in this country, this land of the free.
  • A young Black Man is shot in the street, walking to the grocery store, nothing more. The White Man who does this vicious and ugly act of violence isn’t charged with attempted murder or a Hate Crime. He is charged with Assault; you know God, they don’t want to overcharge this 56-year-old white man with the obvious crime, just in case.

Dear God, this is just the tip of the iceberg; come on, you count the hairs on my head, but you can’t count the intent of these murderers. You know all of this, as it happens, don’t you? You see the fuckery down here, and you know it is getting worse by the day. We have members of Congress armed and dangerous, bragging they wouldn’t have lost if they had planned the recent insurrection. We have wars inside our nation perpetrated on those who don’t look or pray the ‘right’ way. Every small step we took forward in the last one hundred years is being lost, stripped away by a small minority, and they do it under your banner. People are so afraid, and that fear is turning into hatred; soon, God, we will be a nation at war again, though it will be far worse this time, and the body count will be yours.

Dear God, it is time for you to act. Nothing big and flashy, but something. I am tired, and so are others. I worry about my friends visiting me. I worry my friends and those I love will eventually have to choose sides and will have to leave me behind simply because I don’t look like them. I don’t blame them; I hurt for them and for me. Dear God, it is time for you to step into this mess you have allowed to fester, it isn’t going to self-correct, and these monsters of self-righteousness believe they have you on their side in their hate and fear.

Dear God, I still have hope. There remain so many good people doing so much good in this world. There are still so many acts of kindness every single day. So much compassion, in this broken world. Don’t you hear the voices raised begging you to shine a light, send warmth to those in need, send healing to those hurting and broken?

Dear God, we are not yet entirely broken, but it is time to show yourself and remind those who speak in your name of the truth and the power of love.