Tell Me, Claim Me


Bereft of touch left with only devices of imagination

Mind’s eye building on pictures we frame

Between us whispered words of want and desire

In language we have created to sooth or excite

Written amid public lines others read unknowing

Privately we inflame and engulf each other

Saying too little or too much, wrapping ourselves

In secrecy to keep our  thoughts tangible, tangled on the surface

Our need to feel each other close grows brighter

Than our desire to keep private our intimacy

Conversations tumble from one space to the next

Keep flowering, blooming across pages

Words, pictures and music spoken between us

Stumbled through to tell stories of fragile history

Rushed toward with hopeful heart and daring

Not that woman yet, but maybe tomorrow

If love knocks hard enough and with bold claim

To write across heart and body

Valentine, 16-June-2014


  1. Beautiful! One of your best yet Valentine! “Maybe tomorrow’….certainly tomorrow! 🙂

    • Yes, that is what I am thinking as the days run together and tomorrows seem to be running across midnight.

      Thank you my friend, I am so happy you enjoyed this one. Just as I am happy others have embraced my poetry. It feels good.

  2. I believe everything happens for a reason. You had to go through what you’ve been through this past year, so that you could rediscover your love and passion for poetry. It’s awoken something inside you and through your poetic words you are creating a space for the next chapter of your life. It’s going to be grand, I can tell.

    • I think you are right Monica, it is going to be grand. Opening doors and windows in my heart that I had slammed shut a very long time ago. It isn’t so much a rediscovery as it is an acceptance. Thank you so much for reading and your kind words, they mean a great deal.

  3. You are excelling in the poetry field, dear friend! The blend of words of writing with the relationship is so creative.

  4. “If love knocks hard enough and with both claim.” What a great line. That’s the best kind of love, too.

  5. I love this, Val – light, inspiring and (for me) full of hope 🙂

  6. beautiful verse.

  7. *grins* Not a peep since you already know my thoughts on this one.

    Okay, so maybe one more: Yes.

  8. Wow, nicely done, Val! I love the tangible/tangled bit, especially.

    Hope you are doing well. Sorry to have been gone for so long. We were without internet for two weeks and then I traveled to the US for nearly another two. So glad to be home!

    Hugs from Ecuador,

    • I have so very much missed you in my line of sight and reading! Isn’t it strange how we miss our connections when they are gone. Hope all is well and back in place.

      Thank you for your kind words.

  9. Your expression in poetry is superb.

  10. I think this:

    “wrapping ourselves In secrecy to keep our thoughts tangible, tangled on the surface.”

    sums up what can be so tragic about being human and an adult. Beautifully expressed–all of it.

  11. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Power of written word!!

  12. Love it!! Excellent! The picture says so much!

    • Oh, thank you. It is one of my favorite pictures. It reminds me of how I use to feel when I could still dance, when the wind lifted me, when I could lift me off the boards. When love lifts you.

      • I’ve seen it before. I’ve sad it …. Love it!!

          • I also remember when I could dance unencumbered and pain free!! What an awesome feeling!!

            I can … still … in my mind and a little bit on the dance floor.
            My Dad always said that he didn’t feel the age that he actually was, even in his 50s. I now understand exactly what he meant. Our bodies age while our minds lag behind!!! That’s the price we pay for the garden of eden!

            • Well, I keep hope alive, in my heart and soul. Despite all the injuries, all the pain, all the loss. I keep it alive. There is still so much I want from life, so much I have missed doing what everyone else asked of and expected from me. Now, now I think it must be my turn.

              Now, I want to be loved, truly loved as I am and for who I am, flaws and all. I want someone to see me and want me exactly as I am, just as the poem said. I want laughter, I want love, I want maybe a little bit of romance, I want it all dammit.

  13. Jueseppi B. says:

    Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™.

  14. “If love knocks hard enough and with bold claim
    To write across heart and body”


  15. Words with so much passion waiting to be set free..To love again!