Some Good Things

I want to do a bit of a feel good today, there are things I care deeply about and things others care deeply about and thus are giving of their time and energy to raise awareness and money for. Today I want to highlight a couple of them in the hope you will endorse them and if you are able, give.

My friend Kim Sisto-Robinson of My Inner Chick helps to organize every year a walk to fight domestic abuse in honor of her murdered sister Kay. Last year Red and I were there, despite the tsunami of my personal  life I am hoping to be there again this year. It is an important event, it is a meaningful action and despite last year being cold and wet, it left me feeling as if I took a stand and did something good, no matter how small.

Why is this important to me? As a Domestic Abuse survivor I know how hard it is to get out, how hard it is to find yourself and run. I also know if you don’t how if you don’t you can die and those who are left behind will never be the same, Kim’s writing is a testimony to the great love and great loss of her beautiful sister. Here are some of the pictures from last year, I hope I can add to this:

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Want to come walk the beautiful path in honor of Kay and all victims of domestic violence:

Want to learn more about DAIP or donate even if you can’t walk this year:

If you are in a violent situation, please get help:


BeautifulNext up is my lovely niece who has decided to go to Jail for a cause, better this than the alternative! Angela has always been one of my favorites, wild child, adventurer, audacious and loving with a smile that brightens rooms and a laugh that is absolutely infectious. I have always secretly marveled at her daring and her ability to make the absolutely best lemonade out of lemons.

This isn’t the first time Angela has stepped outside of herself to do something for others, it is though the first time I can use my platform to help her. So if you have a few spare dollars, kick them her way for a good cause, here is what the Muscular Dystrophy Association does with your donations.

  • $1,480 Funds 20 minutes of research
  • $800 sends one child to MDA Summer Camp
  • $100 pays for a support group session
  • $74 funds one minute of research
  • $30 funds one Flu Shot

Help a girl out and help raise bail for my intrepid niece and MDA: Angela’s Bail Page


  1. Good weather for the walk and lots of money raised for both.
    I love cheeky and adventurous young people. They grow up to make our world better.

  2. Deborah the Closet Monster says:

    I love seeing “wild child,” “audacious” and “adventurer” listed as positives. The teachers at my last school in Japan commended me for how kind I was to the “bad” kids. I had no idea what they were talking about for a couple of weeks; they thought I was kidding when I asked them to clarify. When I did finally realize who they meant, I explained that I loved the “bad” kids. Where many would parrot, the “bad” kids enlivened class in many ways . . . some of which involved improving their English skills by daring to go beyond whatever basic we were working on in a lesson. Statements like, “Deborah-Sensei likes to eat cockroaches!” (said with an impish smile) always made me laugh.

    • Did you? Like to eat cockroaches that is?

      Angela was very much like me, I related to her streak of daring as I watched her turn into this wonderful and talented woman. Certainly she had her challenges, they made her strong and resilient, I love that about her also.

  3. Wonderful!!! 🙂

  4. You are such an amazing person, Val. That is all.

  5. Just walked this through my pages. ❤

  6. Best of luck and kudos to both your niece and Kim! 🙂

  7. Thank you for your VOICE, Support, Encouragement, Inspiration, & Love, Val.

    You make a difference! You kick ass!

    love you Lots. xxxxxxx